Saturday 27 June 2015

George Shenton 1896-1918 The Northampton Mercury Friday March 4th 1921

The Northampton Mercury Friday March 4th 1921.

War Memorial

Unveiled at Woodford Halse.

Colonel J. C. Livington Learmouth, C. M. G., D. S. O., of Weedon, unveiled Woodford Halse War Memorial on Sunday.

The vicar, the Reverend F. A. Smith, conducted the service in the parish church, which was crowded. "The Reveille" and " Last Post" were sounded and numerous wreaths placed at the foot of the memorial, which, erected by Messrs White and Butler, of Towcester, takes the form of a Celtic cross of Hopwood stone. The base is rough and the cross polished. At the foot of the cross is the inscription, "To the glory of God and in memory of those who made the supreme sacrifice in the Great War, 1914-1919."

Then follow the names: George H. Banded, Hal. Baseley, Fred Baseley, Arthur Bent, Stanley Bilclough, Albert Braddock, William French, J. W. Hill, Charles Hulme, William Hunt, Thomas Kinch, Bertram Marriottt, Walter Marriott, Herbert Percival, Harry Saunders, George Shenton, Arthur Smith, Harold Smith, John Walker, Fred J. Ward (Canada). Elisha Willett, and Harry White. The inscription at the base reads, "Rest eternal, grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them."

The Northampton Mercury Friday March 4th 1921.