William was the engine driver of a Manchester Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway (MS&LR) goods train involved in a serious railway accident at Sandal, just south of Wakefield.
Leeds Mercury Saturday 28th November 1891
An accident of a serious nature occurred last night on the
Great Northern Railway at Sandal, near Wakefield. Owing to the prevalence of a
dense fog, two goods trains came into collision, and the result was that both lines
were blocked. But little information could be obtained at Leeds, the
telegraphic communication having been interrupted by the accident, but our
reporter was informed at the Central Station that at the time of the accident
the London passenger express conveying the mails, and due in Leeds at ten o’clock, was approaching Sandal, and
there having been no time to warn the driver of the break down he ran into the
Guards Van, which, with a waggon, blocked the down line. It is probable that,
owing to the fog, the express was not running at the usual rate of speed at the
time, and that the collision was less severe than it would have been under
ordinary circumstances. The Guard’s van however, was smashed, and the engine of
the express was thrown off the metals. It was stated that none of the
passengers had been hurt, though many were probably more or less severely
shaken. Further details were rather anxiously awaited as midnight approached,
and still the passengers and mails had not reached Leeds. At twenty-five
minutes to twelve information was received at Leeds that a special train had
left Westgate, Wakefield, conveying the passengers to their destination. This
reached Leeds at midnight, having been delayed by the Fog.